
Ongoing Research Work
Surface Design, Tribology and Damage Tolerant Design
(Modern Mobility (EV) & Bio implants
Electromechanical Tribology for Hydrogen and Battery Powered Mobility
Fracture Resistance of Architected Parts
Novel AM based Coatings and Texturing of Polymeric Surfaces
Architected Multi Material Product Design and Development
Devevelopment of Architected Multi Material Parts using Additive Manufacturing
Fracture Resistance of Architected Parts
Coating Design for EV Bearings using Architected Approach
Application of Natural Materials for Engineering Applications
Development of 3D Printed Natural Material Based Polymer Composites
Thermal Insulation Applications of Sustainable Agro Waste Based Materials
Durability of Natural Fibres for Geo Technical / Marine Applications - Friction Damage
Damage Tolerance in Agro Waste Based Sustainable Composites

Sponsored Research
Ongoing Sponsored Research Projects
1/ Centre of Excellence For Application of Coir Exclusively or in Combination with other Natural Fibres, Coir Board, Government of India
2/ Additive Manufacturing of Technical Textiles for Sustainable Mobility – Agro Waste Based Materials and Product Design, Ministry of Textiles, GoI
3/ Architected Materials Design and Manufacturing for Next-Generation Electric Vehicles & High-Speed Railway, Institute of Eminence Grant, IIT Madras
Completed Sponsored Research Projects
1 / Customized Multi Material Product Design and Development with 3D Network Metal Based Composites Using Low Cost Additive Manufacturing Route’, DST SERB, 2019-21
2 / Design and Development of Contact Fatigue test Facility for bearings used in High seed Rails and Electric Vehicle, 2019-21, DDP GoI
3/ Development and behaviour of polymer Nano composites under dynamic load conditions, 2007-09, NRB, Rs. 18.3 Lakhs,
4 / Nanocomposite gears – design and development, 2007-09, DST, Rs.14.3 Lakhs
5 / Development and performance of boron carbide based coatings on 304L stainless steel, 2006-2008, IGCAR, Rs.10.2 Lakhs (as CoPI)
6 / Evaluation of high cycle fatigue behaviour of repair welds of AISI 410 stainless steels made using (a) ER 316L and (b) ER410 filler wires and its comparison with the AISI 410 base metal, 2008-2010, IGCAR, Rs.19 Lakhs (as CoPI)
7 / Development of an oral simulator, 2005-08, MHRD, Rs. 17 Lakhs
8 / New sintered bearings – performance, 2000-03 MHRD Rs. 6 Lakhs
9 / Polymer composite gear studies, 2002-05, DST, Rs.12.7 Lakhs.
10 / Sintered gear design (Career Award), 2000–03, AICTE, Rs. 13.15 Lakhs
11 / Artificial orthopaedic implants –reliability, 2002 -05, MHRD Rs. 10 Lakhs

Industrial Consultancy
Interactions with Industries – Consultancy (major only)
Many Consultancy Projects with

Special Lectures Delivered
Delivered many invited/keynote lectures in many reputed Institutes, Research Laboratories and Industries in India, USA, Japan, Canada, Thailand, and Malaysia.
Recent Few:
GIGAKU, 2023 7 Nov 2023
Delivered Invited Lecture at TriboBR 2023 4th International Brazilian Conference on Tribology on "Electric Vehicle Traction Motor Bearing Tribology - Damage Assessment and Mitigations", Nov 26-28, Vitoria, Brazil
Delivered Lecture at International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology 2022 (ICETAT2022) organized by Taiwan Society of Tribology Technology TSTT on "Tribo characteristics under Electromechanical Contacts in Electric Vehicle Traction Motor Bearing Parts", Taiwan
Delivered Invited Lecture at 11th India Trib Intrenational Conference held during 12-14 Dec 2022 on ‘Tribology in Hydrogen Mobility', at IIT Delhi.
Delivered Invited Lecture at 10th India Trib Intrenational Conference held during 1-4 Dec 2019 on ‘Thermo Tribo characteristics of Polyester base Lattice structure composities', at IISC Bengaluru.
Delivered Keynote Lecture at 5th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing, Bangkok, held during 7-8 Dec 2018 on ‘Development and stability of the network type polymer composite under tribo conditions'
‘Contact Fatigue Studies under Electrical Environments’ Ms NSK Bearings, Japan Oct 2018.
‘Interactive Engineering Education’ at IGCN 2017, Nagaoka, Japan.
‘Engineering the Surfaces – A new approach’ NSAMP21017, 21 Jan 2017, Govt Engg College Palakadu.
‘Engineering Education for Next Generation’ EngiNEX, TCS Siruseri, 19.8.2015
‘Engineering Education - Challenges’, GIGAKU 2015, Japan.
‘Tribo Research at IIT Madras’ NSK Bearings, Tokyo, Japan, 22 June 2015
‘Overview of Research on Materials at IITM’ Hitchi Automotive (HIAMS), Tokyo, 2015

Conferences Organized
1 / 3rd Indo-Japan Bilateral Symposium on Futuristic Materials and Manufacturing for Sustainable Development Goals, 2-3 Dec 2022, Chennai
2 /2nd Indo-Japan Bilateral Symposium on Futuristic Materials and Manufacturing for Next Generation Electric Vehicles and High Speed Railway, 2-3 Mar 2020, Chennai
3/ 1st International Conference on Mechanical Power Transmission, 11-13 July 2019, Chennai
4/ Indo Japan Bilateral Symposium on Futuristic Materials & Manufacturing, July 2018, IIT Madras
5/ National Conference on Design and Manufacturing Issues Relevant to Automotive and Allied Industries, July 10-11, 2009 IIITDM & IIT Madras
6/ Indo Japan Conference on Damage Tolerant Design and Materials IIT Madras, NUT Japan, JSME, AMM, Dec 18-20, 2004